Sunday, February 01, 2009

Chrono Cross - More Triforces

Some time ago, I posted here some strange "Triforces" that appeared in the PSX videogame Final Fantasy IX.
Finding those Legend Of Zelda symbols in a Square game was very weird. But, what was thinking the people of Square about by putting a so famous Nintendo symbol in their Sony games? ...Now I found another one in some places in Chrono Cross.

Here you can see a shot:


  1. that's so weird. they even have the scarecrow there and its writing o.o

  2. The triforce it's not original from Zelda. The triforce was inspired from the Houjou Clan family crest.

    It's called "mitsu uroko" (three scales), and it's common on japanese culture and history. It's carved on several japanese places like old residences.

    It's not strange that japanese videogames producers include their own culture into games.

  3. @Pablo ...Yeah, but being a so well-known Legend of Zelda symbol, they could choose some different symbol. I mean, they obviously are free to use anything that they know from their culture or from another cultures... but when something is being used since so many years by another saga, it becomes something characteristic from that saga, in spite of its true meaning or its true origin.
    When we, gamers, see the 3 triangles symbol, we instantly think about Triforce and Legend Of Zelda, as we think about God of War when we see the Omega symbol, and as we think about Quake when we see the i-don't-remember-the-name Quake symbol... and so on...

    So... it is strange that developers choose symbols characteristic from other games to use in their game... it's a thing about accidental references that goes beyond the origin of the symbol...

    You can think about it this way: imagine a website "X" with the word "google" in their domain, or in their home page as a part of its name... We will all think about the search engine and its company, in spite of that the website maybe is not related to Google Inc, and in spite of that the word is a word that had a meaning before Google Inc. That word could have been used 'cause of its meaning by the site "X" developers. But that doesn't really matter cause they are "accidentally" referencing another website, and maybe not so accidentally, 'cause they know that word is already characteristic from something...

  4. ...ummm the Triforce is an old symbol that was used in more then a few cultures for centuries.. It is in no way exclusive to the LoZ series.


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