Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Final Fantasy IX - Triforce

Does Why there are so many triforce (from the Legend Of Zelda) symbols on FF9?... Have u ever noticed it?
The Triforce appears in a lot of important places in the game. Some examples are the ones that u can see on the screenshots below...

In the first image u can find the triforce in the symbol on the floor, but is kind of hard to see it at first sight... the second image has the same symbol more clearly, there u see the triforce in the wall... The third image has the symbol on the floor... and the last one has it in the wall, and also has a clear Triforce in the spot where dagger is lying when u find her when her Eidolons are extracted...
What was the Triforce doing there?

PS: For those who don't know, the Triforce is a classic from the Legend of Zelda series. Wich means Power, Wisdom and Courage...

1 comment:

  1. Final fantasy reminds me games like tomb rider, all those obstacles along the path, and monsters and lots of guys with guns waiting for me to shoot me and keep me from advancing.


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