Monday, September 08, 2008

Vagrant Story - Sqaure?

This is just a stupid thing, but isn't it odd that in the credits of Vagrant Story from Square Soft, it says SQAURE instead of SQUARE xD?

It's kinda funny... were they drunk when typing the credits for the game?... or is this Sqaure thing another part of Square Corporation, just like Squartz?

I don't think so... it just seems a typing problem. But anyway it's odd that they didn't notice that ugly error before the release of the game.



  1. This is nice thing to do

  2. Hilarious, how on earth did you pick up on that lol?

  3. lol XD...
    I was just watching the ending of the game... and I could not help but take a screenshot when I saw "Sqaure" in front of my eyes XD...


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