Sunday, September 07, 2008

Vagrant Story - The infamous Kiltia Puzzle

It seems there is a lot of people that has problems when solving the puzzle in the room "Those Who Drink The Dark" inside the Temple of Kiltia, where you have an unreachable door upside a wall, and no way to climb up. So, here you have a walkthrough with screenshots for the solution.

As this puzzle is hard to solve, it is also hard to explain ;D... but i'll try my best. You can make any question of this or any other Vagrant Story puzzle by leaving a comment.

Well, let's put our joysticks to work! :D

This is your first escenario:
Note that in this screenshots, the door you want to reach is colored red in the map.

All you need to do, is to move the higher box closer to the door you want to reach, but to do this, you'll need to make a space between that box and his original spot, so that way you can push the box to the place you need it.

Then, our first step will be destroy the box the screenshot shows, so you can move the box next to it.

Then you can place the other box as it shown here:

Now, you can move the box that is upon the other, to upper floor where there is already a box alone, as you can see here:

You need to make sure to put this two boxes a way you can later move them to reach the door, cause you are going to use these boxes to make that space i told you before.

Then, you need to destroy the box you placed down there before, and then get the box next to this one out of that place:

So that way you can make this:

So, if we take the door we want to reach as north, you'll have to move first the box above to the north, and then, the box that was below to the west, then you can move freely the box that was above to the north again...

Until you place it as this shot shows:

Then repeat that process for the other box you placed before in the south upper floor.

At this moment, you can place the boxes this way:

Then all you need to do now is place the upper box there to the west, then, the same one to the north until you reach that damn wall!

Now you can climb with no problem to the door =) ...

And there you have it, we have reached that infamous door!

Inside there awaits you a Minotaur, some good items, and the great Silver Key! =)

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent , I really like this information , this is one of the best video game, I have been playing it since I was young !


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